Who is Reporting Maestro for?

  • Asset Managers

    In a disturbing financial market, evolving constantly, clients require reporting more frequently, in order to check their investments results and be reassured.
    Reporting Maestro is a real financial analytical tool and a client communication tool for Asset Managers:

    • Detailed Reporting: Reporting Maestro show detailed information relating to the financial transactions
    • Personalized communication: Reports’ content can be customized according to the type of investment, client characteristics, currency… The reports’ design can be customized according to a large choice of templates
    • Financial analytical tool:
      • Comparative performance of financial results over a period
      • Comparative performance of a financial product versus another financial product
      • Comparative gains through exchange rates


  • IT and administrative department

    Due to the disturbing financial market, banks must reduce administrative costs and optimize the employees resources used.
    Reporting Maestro is a software platform that was especially developed for financial service providers who want to drastically increase the reliability of client mass reporting processes and minimize cost of report production.

    • Cost Management: With Reporting Maestro you reduce the administrative costs by less employees’ intervention, and a single application for managing your clients’ documents.
    • Time Management: Reporting Maestro schedules administrative tasks. It automates the entire reporting production and distribution process. Reporting Maestro can execute complex workflows and access external:
      • Portfolio management / core banking systems such as Triple‘A, Finnova, Avaloq, Olympic or Globus
      • Reporting systems such as Actuate iServer, BIRT or Crystal Reports
      • Archive systems such as IMTF or IBM OnDemand through especially developed Java connectors
    • Quality control of the reporting process: Reporting Maestro automates the data and correspondence validation when sending the reports; Reports size and content are validated automatically by a rule-based system.

  • Marketing department

    Banks must innovate in terms of communication, and communicate on the media channel with the highest readership rate: the Client Reporting.

    Reporting Maestro is a new media opportunity to reach the clients:

    • Possibility to attach an advertising content to the client reporting: Maximize your advertising campaigns on the media channel with the highest readership rate. According to a recent study by InfoTrends, banking transaction documents are read by 90% of end customers.
    • Possibility to optimize targeting campaigns: All customer data is accessible from the software. Possibility to personalize the advertising content according to the customer profile (example: a customer interest for derivatives = sending a Flyer on derivatives with its reporting).
    • Possibility to personalize your communication campaigns:
      • Large choice of templates for your advertising content: visual, graphics, ability to add new items to design your campaigns
      • Large choice of format
      • Multi-channel for your advertising campaigns : Tablet, Smartphone, E-banking, mail, emails

  • Legal department

    Reporting Maestro meets some aspects of MIFID, FINMA, GIPS and PIR regulations requirements in terms of transparency, confidentiality and client data security and compliance:

    • Helps compliance with MIFID and PIR on a complete transparency requirement of financial transactions for customers:
      • Archival storage: Any client reporting generated is automatically archived: Each step of the execution is fully traceable for 100% reliability.
      • Data transparency: Reports show all detailed information relating to financial transactions: banking charges, financial operations’ time, financial products’ sale price…
    • Helps compliance with FINMA circular on a better management of electronic data processing on clients’ privacy and data security:
      • Secure data access based on users, roles and privileges (Privileges include: write, read, delete and grant)
      • Data control and security: ensures stability and repeatability of the reporting process
      • Secure storage location: application deployed on dedicated server
      • Reliability: Reporting execution may be suspended, discontinued or resumed at any time.
    • Helps compliance with GIPS standards in terms of calculation uniformity and data presentation


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