In a disturbed banking context: financial crisis, increased banks competition, new regulations (MiFID transparency of financial data, FINMA Brief ...), Client Reporting becomes more important than ever.
Nowadays banks must produce and distribute client reports more and more frequently, both internally and externally, in order to meet the latest banking standards and to reassure investors.
Efficiency and reliability hence become paramount to the Client Reporting process, making its automation essential to the banking world.
Nevertheless, many financial institutions are still facing many challenges with their reporting processes:
- The production and the distribution of the client reports is still manual or only partially automated
- The quality of the reporting process is not checked automatically
- A lack of reliability in the process results in calculation errors, missing reports, reports with errors, etc.
- The reporting process is incompatible with other IT systems
To meet these challenges, ReportingSoft has developed Reporting Maestro, a turn-key solution that automates the production and distribution of Client Reporting particularly well-suited to the private banking world. Our solution allows banks to minimize the costs, meet the deadlines, and lower the risks associated with the Client Reporting process.
Reporting Maestro is one of the only software platforms on the market that automates the entire Client Reporting production and distribution process, from the source data to the output management stage including printing, enveloping, and franking.