Reporting Maestro Features

  • Fully automated

    Reporting Maestro is an integrated solution which automates the entire chain of production and distribution of client reporting. Reporting Maestro automates:

    • the data extraction from multiple sources
    • the data quality control
    • the performance calculation: aggregation functions
    • the production of mass reports and / or reports on request
    • the quality report control
    • the multi-channel distribution of reports


  • Data consolidation

    Reporting Maestro consolidates all data from different databases, multiple sources:

    • 1st step : Reporting Maestro integrates Data from multiple financial sources: Core banking, Markets (Bloomberg, Reuters..), custodian banks, and other sources (Triple'A, PMS, ERP...)
    • 2nd step : Data are transformed and recovered with ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) to be adapted to the reporting data specifics
    • 3rd step : Data are stored in the Datamart, Data-warehouse, or a reporting database
    • 4th step : Reporting Maestro creates a unified historical data model, and configures Reporting analysis lines, such as : Results of stocks and bonds from January to May 2013
    • Final step : Reports are generated and stored in GED


  • Quality control

    Reporting Maestro ensures a quality control during the whole process of the reporting, from the data integration to the content and layout of the reporting:

    • Quality control on the reporting process : Reporting Maestro maximizes the reliability of mass reporting production. During the production process, reports are always monitored and controlled in a totally transparent way.
    • Quality control on the report production: production of reports is repeated only for those reports which previously aborted due to error conditions. Tasks can be restarted after failing, and their state is fully historized, enhancing reliability and traceability of the whole process.
    • Quality control on the data: automated data validation before the reports production starts
    • Quality control on the document: the content and the layout of the reporting generated are checked automatically.
    • Quality control on the distribution: we define Report and address matching rules to avoid incorrect report distribution.


  • Multichannel distribution

    All reports generated with Reporting Maestro can be distributed through multiple channel.

    • Internet channel: Reports can be viewed through an Internet connection on e-banking, web portal : intranet, extranet, shared directory.. You can also create alerts and receive e-mail when report data changed.
    • Digital: Reports can be sent to digital devices:  smartphones, tablet...
    • Output management: Reports can be sent to printer. Reporting Maestro automates the printing, enveloping, and postage.
    • Archiving: Reports can be archieved.
    • Multiple frequency distribution: automatic periodically or occasionally on demand
    • Secure distribution


  • Maestro Reporting, an automated non-regression test tool

    Maestro Reporting also automates all reporting tests by making parallel generation: a reference set of the n version, then a test set of the n+1 version that can be reproduced over and over again.  For each production, the documents are compared visually, a summary report is produced, and detailed reports are produced for each PDF with visual differences generated.

    The tests can be based on a test case source that can contain the Triple'A parameter set. There is a JIRA plugin called Zephyr that allows you to manage everything, but a directory with parameter files is also available.

  • Personalized reports and beautiful Design

    Reporting Maestro generates analytical and detailed reports, with standard to highly customizable templates.

    • In-depth fully personalized reports: Reports templates can be personalized for advanced customers such as HNW or UHNW, or institutional customers. Reporting Maestro offers a wide choice of Reporting templates (format, size, visual).
    • Multiple display formats: You can select different display formats, and export reports to other applications such as Microsoft Excel, PDF, html. ...
    • Anonymization: Reports can be branded or anonymized for more confidentiality and security
    • Detailed reports: Reports provide Portfolio overview at the first glance with different high-level / aggregated views of the portfolio holdings
    • Financial analysis: Reports provide detailed views of porfolio valuation, performance, and past/ future cashflows


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ReportingSoft is primarily a global presence, the employees of which are recognized for their expertise, mutually enriching their business and technology skills. In all their actions, they carry with them the group's core values​​: responsiveness, commitment, professionalism and performance. For ReportingSoft, the success of a project requires not only skills but also strong common values.